Build your marriage to be the best

Each time I attend friend's marriage blessings or rather wedding, some of the things that comes to my mind when the priest starts asking the couples to be questions at the altar;
Will you take this woman/man as your legally wedded wife/husband?

  • Do you promise to forever love and adore her/him? 
  • Will you love her/him in times of difficulties, in sickness and in pain?
  • Do you promise to respect her/him?
  • Do you promise to stink with her/him till death do you part?

And both will respond YES with big smiles and everyone will dance and merry.
The question I ask myself is '' Is it that they don't understand the promises they make? Because some of these couples when approached a year later will even advice the single ones not to venture into marriage because they have divorced their partner or that they are planning to.
What is then the problem? Why do we keep hearing the same testimony at all times?

The level at which couples divorce these days is alarming, though in foreign countries its been a regular business but not quite so in African countries especially Nigeria. But on recent days the rate of divorce in Nigeria is speedily increasing. The funny thing about the whole thing is that despite the rate at which people divorce these days yet the Single ones are heel bent on getting married. Many singles and fresh couples never try to understand the reason for this high rate of divorce even when they fall victim of it still some still don't bother to work on it.

This article is to lecture young couples and our single ones on the causes of divorce and failed marriages and how to avoid being a victim of it.

Common causes of failed marriages include:

  1. Lack of sexual satisfaction: This is one or rather the major reason of some failed marriages, if a wife failed to satisfy the husband sexually, the husband either tries to appeal his sexual needs outside or he starts misbehaving at home ( not providing for his family,beating the wife, getting upset unnecessarily) but 99% of men whom their wife fails to satisfy sexually ends up having extra-marital affairs. Same is applicable to a man who fails to fulfill his responsibilities on bed. 
  2. Nagging wife: If you are a nagging women, I bet you that you won't last in that marriage. There is nothing that pushes a man like a nagging wife.
  3. Laziness: Who wants to stay with a lazy man or woman? 
  4. Lack of attention: If there is only thing a woman love then it's attention. A woman will always love a man who listens to her, talks to her affectionately.
  5. Anger: Anger is indeed unavoidable but the level at which you let it rule you in your marriage determines the success.
  6. Cheating: If you cannot not control your sexual urge/desire, i can't see how you can keep a peaceful home. 

Its always good to go for marriage counselling on and before getting married because it indeed helps to solve 70% of problems people face in marriages. Couples should learn to apologize at any point whether you are wrong or not. some people find it hard to accept defeat or accept their faults  but your ability to manage your partner helps you to build a better home. 
If you are the type that refuses to accept your fault, then here is the bad news; you will always encounter issues in life especially when you meet someone that possess the same attitude as you. 
Develop the attitude of apologising to your spouse, throw away your ego.
The reason why some men has decided to use their wives as punching bag is that the wife has either failed in her responsibilities thereby triggering the man's anger. Nevertheless men should always know that a man that beats the wife is not man enough because if you can punch so well why not try it at the boxing arena and win lots of money for the family.

Hope this little write up helps you to promote a healthy family.
Note: When two couples fight all the time, they are indirectly corrupting their children's mind.
