My responsibility as the child

Children are beautiful gift to every home, the presence of kids in the home makes it lively and sweet. Despite how naughty a child can be, he is always love. As naughty as they can be, some after sometime realise their mistakes while others continue in that path. The gift of a child to his home is not meant to bring sorrow rather to welcome happiness and love. Many parents have gone to great extent to make their children happy and comfortable that is why every child should reciprocate that love by:

  • Obeying them.
  • Pray for them.
  • Help in house chores.
  • Study hard to get good grades that will make them happy.
  • Honour them.
  • Live up to their expectations.
Remember that one day you will be either a dad or a mom and if you don't treat yours well I doubt if you should be expecting total submission from yours. No time is too late to make amends, you can start today. 👍
