How to be your kid's best friend

Have you  ever wondered what am I gonna do in order yo win my daughter's heart? What do I mean by winning her heart? I mean to be her closest friend such that I will know things about her? The Answer lies on you, are you the type that scolds your child at every mistake? Are the that parents that always scares the hell our of your kids? Are you that mom that has little or no time for your kids? Are you that parents that always remembers her kid their past mistake? If you are included on the above list then I tell you Someone else will definitely raise your kid for you. Can you believe that some mothers can not say for sure the age her daughter started their monthly period. You don't even know when your daughter had her first boyfriend. This is totally bad, how can your daughter shy away from telling you that something unusual is happening to her.I can recall a friend who told me that when she started experiencing her first monthly cycle she was totally scared because her mother actually told her that if a man kisses you that you will get pregnant and if you eventually get pregnant she(her mom) will surely strangle her to death, so when she started seeing some drop of blood on her panties she thoughoh my goodness !! I AM PREGNANT  

Ofcourse she had her first kiss 3days ago from her first boyfriend. She couldn't tell her mom so she hid it, she actually spent most of the day in the bathroom trying to wash off the mess. It was in the morning that her mom found out and guess what she has messed to bed cover up. All these would have been avoided if she had a good relationship with her mother. Some parents has lost their children because their vision and the children's vision are not mutual.  I will briefly give you the 6 Hints on how to be your kids best friend.

6 Hints on how to be your kid's best friend
  1. From the early stage try to pay close attention to him or her.
  2. Try as much as possible to be his problem solver.
  3. Give him a good sex education before his adolescence age
  4. Tell him stories about your love lives
  5. Scold him if need be but with understanding
  6. Training a child starts from the day he was born, if you start then to build your relationship I bet you both of you will be good pals.
Safe your child today for a better tomorrow.   Also:

Things that an average adolescent may not disclose to you.

Why do your child behave the way he does
