Good parenting

Parenting is the act of promoting and supporting a child both the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual aside from biological relationship. Raising a child in the right way starts from how peaceful, organised the parents is. Rearing a child is one of the most important responsibility bestowed on every parent, If you as a dad or a mom wants to enjoy love and peace in fullness you ought to start from the scratch. What is this scratch both parents most love each other and live a life that people will want to imitate. The reason why some parents are having a huge gap between them and their kids are due to lack of understanding. Most parents probably was not raised in a quality way yet they don't want to take the correction by giving their kids a better upbringing which they  (the parent) lack. Read how to have a beautiful home. The way both parents attend to each other determines how your kids will grow up, there is an adage which says " train up a child in the way he should grow so that when he is old he will not depart from it". So if you live a good and responsible life what stops you child from following your footstep. As a parent it is your sole responsibility to:

  • Love him
  •  Support the child both materially, socially and emotionally
  • Cater for his needs
  • Promote him
  • Train him
Among all these Loving him is the most important aspect because when you love your child you will definitely protect him, promote him, attend to his needs, Support him any way you can. Always be a good listener if you want to have a nice relationship with your child.

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